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Get Curious

by | Jul 18, 2022

There’s one word in the English language that I believe can totally change the way you think about your life…

and your business.

Want to know  my favorite word in the English language?

Truly, it’s a way of “being” that will fundamentally change how you view the world and all of the day to day challenges that you encounter.

So what’s the hack/word?

Get Curious.

Think about it.

When you get curious about everything, there is so much possibility.

Get curious about why a potential client said “no”, instead of feeling deflated, or even unworthy.

Get curious about how you could implement that next project in half the time, instead of doing it the “way you’ve always done it”

Get curious about what it would take to double your business this year, instead of thinking it’s impossible.

There is so much power in knowing that anything is possible and expanding your mindset to look at your challenges and the world in a new light.

So the next time you have a challenge, stop, take a breath, and ask yourself, “I’m curious. How can I turn this challenge into an opportunity?”

Or “I’m curious. How can I easily manage this challenge without moving my deadline?”

And one last note on curiosity…

When you are in an enrollment conversation, there is no more powerful tool than your curiosity.

Get really curious about your potential client and ask open-ended questions.

There is no better way to respond to an “objection” than to ask a question, coming from a place of curiosity.

For example, let’s say your prospect says, “I don’t have the time to implement your program right now.”

Ask the question, “I’m curious, what are the things that you are spending your time on right now that are more important?”

From that place you can have a conversation about how she might reframe what’s important, or see a different possibility, right?

And that might be the biggest gift you can give her, even if she still says “not now” to your offer.

There is no better way to increase your sales conversion than by getting curious, and it makes enrollment a natural, authentic conversation.

By the way, I’m curious…what’s the biggest challenge you think will stand in the way of the success you want in your business?

Be sure to comment below!

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