(831) 455-2693 WeCare@ResultsPartner.com

I’ve been on a bit of a whirlwind of travel with events back to back the last three weeks. Monday was the first day in almost 3 weeks that I was able to pretty much take the day off, which was much needed!

As I took some time to “just be”, I was able to reflect on what I learned and what came up for me the last couple of weeks.

One of the events I attended was a little different for me in that only a few of the attendees were my ideal clients, most having grown beyond the “start-up” phase that I focus on.  These entrepreneurs had multi six figure businesses, looking to scale to seven figures and beyond.

Being with this group of amazing entrepreneurs was inspiring, and brought up some feelings that I really didn’t want to admit I had. In fact, my inner nerd was in full gear throughout the weekend!

As I listened to these amazing entrepreneurs talk about their businesses and share their success in creating huge revenue and the infrastructure and team to go with it, I found myself having a lot of those “Why can’t I have that” moments. I don’t think of myself as a jealous person, and yet being totally transparent, that green-eyed jealousy monster reared its head many times during the weekend.

Thoughts like “What is she doing that I’m not?,” “Why isn’t my business as big as hers?,” and “Why don’t I have clients paying me $25,000 a year for group programs?”, were coming up right and left.

Have you ever found yourself there? Comparing yourself to others, whether or not the comparison is actually valid?

On the second night of the event, after listening to a woman’s inspiring story of going from zero to $20 million in just a few short years, it hit me…

I don’t want that! When I re-launched my business a year ago, I set out to build my business around the lifestyle that I want, with the ability to make a huge difference with my clients working from anywhere in the world. And I purposefully designed it so that I don’t need a huge infrastructure to support it. Just me, my laptop, and a great VA can handle most of my needs.

Yet then the “shoulds” started to kick in. Shouldn’t I want to be bigger? I’ve built a seven-figure business before, why don’t I want that again? Am I playing small?

I spent a late night lost in the pros and cons, not to mention battling competing little voices telling me it was too much to wish for in one minute and that I really didn’t want it anyway in the next.

It was powerful and disconcerting at the same time. And I know it was exactly what I needed to truly reassess my vision and check in on if I was being honest with myself.

I had to take a hard look at my goals and make some adjustments to stretch where I saw that I really wasn’t coming from a powerful stand for the possibilities in front of me. I took a hard look at my offers and my pricing and am now busy adjusting some things for my summer retreat.

At the end of the day, what was most gratifying was realizing that I am on the path that I want to travel.  That I don’t need, or want, a seven-figure business to make the difference I’m here to make, or to be “successful”. I love my clients and the structure that I’ve built that allows me to give them a ton of support and still live the life I want to live.

So when you find yourself questioning your vision, and at some point I’m sure you will, know that only you are responsible for or capable of knowing what you truly want. And whatever that is, is perfect…for you. No shoulds, no need to compare yourself to someone else. Just the gift of living the life that you were meant to live, sharing the gifts only you have.

Go be you!