(831) 455-2693 WeCare@ResultsPartner.com
How to save 10 hours a week

How to save 10 hours a week

I’ve been on an automation kick lately.  And I love it!  What do I mean by automation? Well, it can cover a lot of ground, from streamlining marketing communications to getting meetings on your calendar, to my version of out-sourcing. The fact is, if you aren’t paying...
Ikigai – Finding your Core, Part 2

Ikigai – Finding your Core, Part 2

Welcome back to our series about Ikigai, the Japanese word for purpose.  Last week we talked about two of the four components of Ikigai….What you LOVE and what you are GREAT at. I gave you some journaling prompts to support you in exploring these important questions...
Ikigai…Finding Your Core, Part 1

Ikigai…Finding Your Core, Part 1

Two weeks ago (thanks for your understanding for my “left turn” last week!), I introduced you to the concept of Ikigai, the Japanese word for purpose.  If you missed it, you can click here to check it out. As a reminder, your Ikigai is the intersection of…...
Running and Gunning…or not?

Running and Gunning…or not?

Have you heard that expression?  To me, it fits what my life has been feeling like, and I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse! I have LOTS of balls in the air. Amazing clients that are moving FAST and having breakthroughs that are shifting their...
What’s your reason for being?

What’s your reason for being?

It’s a really important question, right?  Why are you here, on this earth?  What purpose were you meant to fulfill? The Japanese believe in a concept called Ikigai, which is Japanese for purpose, and I believe it beautifully captures the essence of the myriad of...
The green-eyed monster….

The green-eyed monster….

I’ve been on a bit of a whirlwind of travel with events back to back the last three weeks. Monday was the first day in almost 3 weeks that I was able to pretty much take the day off, which was much needed! As I took some time to “just be”, I was able to reflect on...