(831) 455-2693 WeCare@ResultsPartner.com

When you are willing to do what’s uncomfortable, you will see the positive impact in your results.

It’s always easiest to stay in our box, isn’t it?

But that is not where the juice is.

Eleanor Roosevelt said Do something every day that scares you..

Since getting uncomfortable usually scares us, I recommend following that advice!

>When you are willing to go deeper with a potential client to get underneath the surface issues, it’s uncomfortable.  

And it’s where their biggest breakthroughs are.

Only when you have the courage to pick up the phone and call that big-time possible referral partner who knows exactly the clients you want to work with will you have the possibility of getting the connection.

Only when you have the courage to ask for that “higher than ever before” price for your program will you have a chance of the potential client saying “YES”!

When you are willing to do what’s uncomfortable, you will see the positive impact in your results.

And your clients, and your business, will thank you.  😊

Where in your life and business are you willing to get uncomfortable?

Comment below and declare it  When you put your intentions out in the world, they become more real and you instantly increase your chances of success.

And if you are ready to get support to take on what’s next, let’s talk! Grab a spot on my calendar and let’s build your business to give you the freedom and flexibility to live your bucket list now…and take your business with you!

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